Service & Hosting

The Service and Hosting subcommittee provides all weekly and weekend service opportunities, organizes meetings and development workshops, plans all internal events (such as socials and banquets), and puts on small scale service programs throughout the year.

S&H's Purpose Statement

The Service and Hosting subcommittee aims to develop freshmen as leaders through GCMs and internal workshops, create a strong sense of community within the organization through internal events, and leave a positive and lasting impact on the community and people around us through service and programming.


In the Service sub-subcommittee, our job is to create and manage all the volunteer opportunities throughout the year. This requires contacting local organizations and businesses to plan times where we supply volunteers, as well as planning day-long weekend opportunities around the community. This sub-subcommittee allows freshmen to practice professional writing by contacting businesses, public speaking by presenting at general committee meetings, and managerial skills by overlooking and editing our service hours spreadsheet.

Service Opportunities:

    • Brazos Valley Food Bank
    • Camp For All
    • Adopt-A-Street
    • Jones Elementary
    • and many more!


In the Leadership sub-subcommittee, we plan weekly General Committee Meetings for all members and staff. In these meetings we focus on the professionalism and character growth of all members. Freshmen will share input and ideas for weekly presentations, potential speakers and engaging activities for our meetings. As a sub-sub, we also focus on putting on bi-annual internal workshops to better develop freshmen as servant leaders while also promoting improvement and self-reflection throughout the year, as well as connecting the freshmen to other MSC Committees and Diversity experiences through a point system. Freshmen will gain a professional experience through the contacting of speakers, planning of presentations, and more!


In the Hosting sub-subcommittee, freshmen are involved in planning and organizing all group bonding events to help create a community within MSC FISH. As a group, we work to expand freshman’s family within the organization, through group activities such as weekly lunch buddies, all group bonding events, FISHentines, and an all-group competition. This allows the freshmen within the sub-subcommittee to gain experience in planning events and activities, as well as allow the freshmen outside of the sub-subcommittee to broaden their relationships within MSC FISH.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected]